Why do people are crazy about Lemurian Quartz?

Lemurian Quartz Image

With the popularity of social media, Lemurian quartz has gained a lot of loves from more and more crystal enthusiast. Despite it is among the most expensive type of clear quartz. So, why do people are crazy about lemurian quartz?

What is Lemurian quartz?

This is a type of crystal that is reputed to help you to retrieve information about the ancient civilization of Lemuria.                                               

The most identical character for Lemurian quartz is that they have deep ridges/striations on the sides, like a ladder which is the major characteristic that identifies them.

Lemurian Quartz Image

Another important character is that lemurian quartz comes with water-clean lucency/transparency than other quartz.

Lemurian Quartz Image


These amazing crystals are considered some of the purest quartz in the world. The optical clarity is rarely rivaled. These are some of the most prized quartzes for Collectors & Metaphysical properties.


Who Were the Lemurians?

The Lemurian people lived on this earth in ancient times, and worked extensively with crystals.

It seems that some sort of immense misfortune overcame the Lemurian people before they disappeared from the earth.

The impressions that many folks get of the people of Lemuria, is of gentle innocent people who deeply loved the earth.

It is believed that those who lived during the time of ancient Lemuria were highly spiritual beings.

There is much scientific and ethical debate about the lost city of Lemuria and the mentally advanced beings that were products of this ancient society. Lemuria was similar to Atlantis and was believed to have been a land bridge connecting Africa and India. In the early 1800s, Lemuria’s original name was given when a British zoologist Philip Lutley Sclater noted a similar species of Lemurs originating from India as well as Madagascar. This led to Phillip theorizing that a landmass must have connected the two continents at the time, calling it Lemuria. Helena Blavatsky was a Russian philosopher who after a spiritual awakening due to a near-death experience co-founded the Theosophical Society. During her writings, she theorized that humanity originated from five root races. The 3rd race arose from Lemuria and eventually spread its knowledge to landmasses nearby like Australia and Rapa Nui (Easter Island).

Where are Lemurian quartz from?

Lemurian quartz was said firstly found in Brazil, but Colombia is also producing one of the best type. Meanwhile, there is also mined from Madagascar, Guangxi of China, arkensas of US, Switzerland and Russia. The best of its type is found in Colombia which is also know for its production of collector’s favorite Mango quartz.

Colombia lemurian quartz is probably the purest kind compared to others. Not only the ridges on the sides are so remarkable, but also the luster.

Brazil Lemurian Quartz | Photo by 

Lemurian Quartz Image

Colombia Lemurian Quartz | Photo By 

Arkensas Lemurian Quartz | Photo by FVgame


Some of the Colombian Lemurian Quartz Crystals are also called Muzo Quartz named from its origin which is the famous Muzo Colombian Emerald mines. Muzo habit crystals comes with only three sides, in contrast to the usual six sides.

Muzo Quartz | Photo by Carl A. Francis

Rarely, Muzo Quartz Crystal are perfectly triangular crystals with six-sided bases. Most of the Colombian Lemurian Quartz Crystals are very bright, with alternating clear faces and frosty etched faces.

The finest examples are prismatic and highly refractive. They are also named silver light quartz, light blade, ice blade quartz.


What makes lemurian quartz so special?

The first simply factor makes the lemurian quartz so special is that they are just simply in better outlooking than most of other regular clear quartz.

Lemurian quartz crystal have a truly powerful energy.

They have an excellent vibration for aiding spiritual development work.

What has been discovered by those using them, is that these crystals were left for us to use by a very advanced civilization. 

With more and more of these crystals are being brought to light, and the need for the average person to use them is also becoming evident.

These crystals are important as it is believed that they left messages within the stones for us.

These stones seem to have been programmed before they were placed into the ground.

If you use these stones, and make a connection with them, you feel like you are being transported back to an ancient time. 

After using these stones many people experience emotional healing, from the deeply loving vibration of these crystals. They may strengthen your concentration and balance your emotions. 

They have the capacity to allow you to make contact with the Divine if you follow the ladders on the sides of the stones ever upwards over successive meditations.

They are stones that have the potential to engender deep feelings within you. If you are dedicated to your own personal journey they are a useful stone to have and to use regularly.

Their energy may aid you to solve deep seated problems from the past, either within this life or from a past life, which can be highly beneficial. 

How to use Lemurian Quartz?

Lemurian quartz crystals are easy to use. Begin by holding the stone in your hand and go into a deep state of relaxed inner awareness.

These crystals have clearly defined ridges on their sides, so softly and gently run one of your fingers over the ridges. 

If you feel a reason to stop at some points do so, and press gently on the stone where your finger stops. 

Relax and allow any messages that the stone wishes you to learn to be given to you. Continue to follow the ridges, allowing them to take you higher and deeper into the realm of the Divine. 

It is possible that it will take a few attempts before you get a message, or it can happen on the first go. 

As you go deeper and deeper in your daily meditation, you may find that you are enabled to make contact with the angelic realms, and you may benefit by this contact with angels or other spirit beings.

Once you feel that you are deeply relaxed and have let go of all normal thought, bring your attention to the crystal you are holding.

Primarily For Working on Yourself

While they are powerful healing crystals for you to utilize, they are for working on your spiritual growth rather than using them on others.

But you do need to put in the effort to work with them. Lemurian Quartz crystals have the potential to help you to improve your life personally.

While they can be used by crystal healers, they are generally a tool for working on yourself. 

What other Quartzs are related to Lemurian Quartz?

To be continued...



  • I agree with you. This crystal is so amzing!




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